MITH. AI (H) Rapid Home Screening Hand Held Device for Covid 19 Detection
AKT Health Analytics in association with MITH.AI (Mass Integrated Transformational Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence) – an initiative of PFHI-Hyderabad is developing an application, called “DHARA”. DHARA is integrated with real time service management platform aiming to bring transformation in healthcare with advanced analytics to facilitate the service delivery using DREAM-H (Digital Real-time Advanced Medical Modular logistics System—for Home Care). This app is further being empowered to be used as a handheld device for Covid 19 detection.

AKT Health Analytics in association with MITH.AI (Mass Integrated Transformational Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence) – an initiative of PFHI-Hyderabad is developing an application, called “DHARA”. DHARA is integrated with a real-time service management platform aiming to bring transformation in healthcare with advanced analytics to facilitate the service delivery using DREAM-H (Digital Real-time Advanced Medical Modular logistics System—for Home Care). This app is further being empowered to be used as a handheld device for COVID 19 detection.
COVID 19 containment activities are facing two challenges:
- People with positive signs and symptoms do not undergo voluntary testing
- Inadequate skill levels of health care personnel to screen/ triage at the point of need – @ home
Home testing with a fully automated device, with no text/ language icon only interface, that can be used even by people with no or limited literacy could be a possible solution. Also, rigorous and regular home-based screening would be a necessity for the next two years as several experts predict mini-episodes of the epidemic after the present containment effort. MITH.AI H a comprehensive handheld device with thermal sensor for identifying fever; pressure sensor for measuring heart rate, respiratory rate, recording lung sounds; lidar sensor for quantifying WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) status; regular camera with flash for facial/ home recognition, telemedicine module; icon-based user interface and edge AI engine for rapid @ home testing. The device is built ruggedly and can be cleaned with diluted solvents. Automated cluster detection, location optimization, supply chain routing features are available with a user friendly and a map view dashboard.